
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Who wants to live forever?

Well, the previous build turned out not to be "The One". It's head was sliced cleanly from it's shoulders and it is no more. However a new challenger has arisen to lay claim to the title and so far has passed many tests, yet the greatest challenge lies ahead: can review be passed without fail before February 7th when all XNA 3.1 games are no longer able to be submitted? This new challenger certainly likes to play it close to the edge but we all know the coolest heroes are the ones that make it look like a close call. For the curious, it turns out a few 'optimisations' had been the downfall of the previous contender.

Anyway, remember that game play trailer I keep banging on about here? Well it actually exists now. Not for the masses yet, but it is close! I'm eager to upload it too, but I must refrain until it is up to scratch. Keep your eyes peeled.

I'll keep you up to date with the review progress and if anyone reading is an app hub member keep an eye out for it on the forums! I'll tweet when it's in review so get a followin' with our funky new custom twitter icon on the right there.

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