
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Sumo Squash! is go!

The day has finally come. Sumo Squash! is finally available on the Xbox Live Indie Games service. Stop reading and go download the trial now! I would link to the marketplace page but despite finding it on the dashboard earlier it doesn't seem to have appeared on the website just yet. I'll edit it in when it's available. Sumo Squash!

Twitter groupies might find a few free codes coming their way over the next few days.

That is all for now.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

What happened?

Well, it's been a bit quiet round here hasn't it? We made a big push for that XNA 3.1 submission deadline in Feb. and despite receiving our first solid passes from the majority we stumbled into an unforeseen issue with regards to the single Japanese Kanji used (mainly in the HUD). Some members of the community felt that we should have submitted the game under the Japanese language option as well as English as we have a Kanji character in there. Personally I felt that was not necessary as it was a single character and stating the game was in Japanese would be misleading (and could possibly lead to a failure when Japanese speaking testers found that the game actually wasn't in Japanese). The argument was that for all they knew it could have been a racial slur or rude word or something like that. So we failed review in the end. Ah well.

It was silly on my part really. The symbol was used as a bit of oriental flavour and a visual cue, not something you needed to understand as a word. I had forgotten over time that it was even a word from a language to be honest. I'd grabbed it from an unused idea for one of the pick-ups (too small to be legible in the end) so what it said (shield) didn't really make sense where it was anyway as it was to indicate that your special ability is ready to use.

It's taken us a few months but we've now updated the engine to XNA 4 and worked around the issues that raised. Everything seems to be stable and we've fixed a few bugs in the process. The Kanji has been replaced by an approximation more representative of it's task and hopefully this will be enough to get it through the peer review. As anyone who scrolls through the previous posts can see though, I'm not going to hold my hopes too high. There is always seemingly something to halt the process. One day this thing might actually make it on to the service!

It's in review right now so anyone out there willing to go peer review it this time round, thank you. If you have done this several times over the past year, you are a hero. Respec.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Who wants to live forever?

Well, the previous build turned out not to be "The One". It's head was sliced cleanly from it's shoulders and it is no more. However a new challenger has arisen to lay claim to the title and so far has passed many tests, yet the greatest challenge lies ahead: can review be passed without fail before February 7th when all XNA 3.1 games are no longer able to be submitted? This new challenger certainly likes to play it close to the edge but we all know the coolest heroes are the ones that make it look like a close call. For the curious, it turns out a few 'optimisations' had been the downfall of the previous contender.

Anyway, remember that game play trailer I keep banging on about here? Well it actually exists now. Not for the masses yet, but it is close! I'm eager to upload it too, but I must refrain until it is up to scratch. Keep your eyes peeled.

I'll keep you up to date with the review progress and if anyone reading is an app hub member keep an eye out for it on the forums! I'll tweet when it's in review so get a followin' with our funky new custom twitter icon on the right there.

Sunday 16 January 2011

New year, new menu music.

Hello there. As is our way we've been a bit quiet over the holiday period. We ate and drank our fair share and once we started resembling our titular friends we resumed work on Sumo Squash!. This evening we finally submitted a new version into Peer Review and we think is could be "The One". Anyone with an App Hub membership can check it out right now!

"The One" features something in particular I'm quite excited about: some funky new menu music made by The WillStar. Originally Will contacted me about doing some music for the trailer I've blogged about here and it turned out so damn good we just had to get it in the game. You'll get to hear it in the forthcoming trailer. We also incorporated some other feedback we had which resulted in spicing up the loading screens with some helpful gameplay hints and tips, and in the Sumo tradition we liberally threw salt everywhere to purify the code and get rid of evil bugs.

Sumo Squash! could well be available to everyone very soon!