
Monday 18 October 2010

We were a bit off on that last post...

As the saying goes: Hello World! Finally this blog has some life injected into it. It's been a long slow journey but finally our Xbox Live Indie Game Sumo Squash! has finally entered the play testing phase. There are a few hurdles before release but the end is in sight. The hour is late so here's just a tease of a screen shot and some info on the game:

"Sumo Squash! is a local multiplayer, old-school platformer featuring Sumos with an alternative perspective. Why just push your opponent around when you can sit on their head? As such you assume control of a Sumo and attempt just that. There's every Sumo for himself in the Deathmatch mode, 2 v 2 (or 2 v 1/3 v 1 for the cocky) in Team mode and a V.I.P mode in which you try to accumulate points by being "it" for as long as possible (being "it" involves either gaining the first point of the game or by taking out the current "it"). There are also a variety of pickups to give you an edge over your opponents including a hard hat to protect your bonce."

If you're a developer, have a Creators Club membership and feel like helping us out, you'll be able to grab the test version right now from the App Hub! In the meantime we'll do our best here to keep you updated, get some more media up and eventually let you know when it's available on the Xbox Live Indie Games service. Stay tuned!

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